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"We are so much more than a club.  These people are my best friends"
-Mark Zabolotny

Rockwall Triathlon Club (RTC) is more than just a destination for finding fulfillment in triathlons – it's where lifelong friendships are forged. Beyond the shared experiences of swimming, biking, and running together, our community thrives on endless fun through unique activities, lively parties, and active involvement in the local community. At RTC, we believe in fostering connections that go beyond the racecourse, creating a vibrant and supportive network of friends who share not only the passion for triathlons but also the joy of shared experiences and camaraderie. Join us for the journey, where the pursuit of fitness goes hand in hand with the creation of lasting friendships and memorable moments.

Giving Back

At Rockwall Triathlon Club, our commitment extends beyond personal achievements – we are dedicated to giving back to both our city and the broader triathlon community. Every quarter, we actively contribute to our local community by participating in road cleanup initiatives in Rockwall. Additionally, we collaborate with Kiwanis to provide essential logistics support for city parades, enhancing the vibrancy of our surroundings. Furthermore, our commitment to the triathlon community is demonstrated through our active participation as vital volunteers at local triathlons, where we lend a helping hand in various aspects of race day, ensuring the success of events and fostering a sense of community within the triathlon world. Join us in making a positive impact both locally and in the broader triathlon community!


Parties & Events

At Rockwall Triathlon Club, we live by the motto of training hard and partying even harder. Throughout the year, we host multiple club parties, providing our members with opportunities to connect, enjoy each other's company, and have an absolute blast. Whether it's the exhilarating leap into the lake during our annual Polar Plunge in February, basking in the sun while sipping tropical beverages at our summer pool party, dressing up as an action hero at our costume party, or showing off your hard-earned medals at our semi-annual Bling Fling – there's a fun and memorable experience for everyone. Join us as we celebrate the camaraderie and joy that comes with being part of Rockwall Triathlon Club.

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